Choosing the Best Vacuum for Your Home’s Environment

tips to help keep your house looking goodYou just had brand-new carpeting installed in your home. It feels great, you love the smell, and especially love the feel of it under your feet or when you lay down on it. It’s a great feeling to have brand-new carpeting installed in your home.

It invites in fresh air, can inspire more cleaning and a new interior decor. In order to keep that carpeting looking it’s best, you need to vacuum on a consistent basis. You should also plan on having a professional carpet cleaning service come in and clean those carpets at least once a year, but it’s best to have it done twice a year, usually in the spring and fall.

The type of vacuum cleaner you choose can have a direct impact on how well you maintain your carpeting. Choosing any old vacuum or the cheapest one you could possibly find is not going to do you any favors. Here’s what you should look for in a quality vacuum cleaner.


The stronger the vacuum, the more likely you’re going to get the maximum quantity of dirt, dust, and other foreign contaminants out of the carpet pile. However, no matter how powerful a vacuum cleaner is, some of it is going to get caught in the carpet fiber and work its way a bit deeper into the carpet pile.

That’s why it’s such a good idea to have them professionally cleaned with a company that relies upon truck mounted equipment.

HEPA filters.

It’s a good idea to invest in a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter. This helps to trap the maximum amount of foreign particulates, especially microscopic particulates that float through the air. This will reduce the impact of allergies, colds, and other health issues.

The right attachments.

You should choose a vacuum that has easy to use attachments for upholstery, baseboards, and corners. If you have to struggle to connect these items you’ll be less likely to use them. Yet, you should be using these every single time you vacuum.

You should be vacuuming your couches and other furniture, along the window treatments, in the corners, under furniture, and everywhere else you can reach. Having the right attachments will make that job much easier.

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