Checking in On Your New Carpet

Bed Bugs Don’t Just Breed in Mattresses: They Can Also be Hiding in Your Carpeting and FurnitureYou had brand-new carpeting installed recently and it looks great. You’re thrilled with your choice and you’ve done everything you can to make sure you’ve protected it for as long as possible.

You might have two or three children running around your house on a daily basis, and even more on the weekends when they bring their friends over. You make sure they remove their shoes and only walk on the carpet with their socks. You also make sure nobody brings food into any of those rooms that have that brand new carpeting in it.

After a few months, how do you know if everything is going well and your carpets are truly being protected? If you have kids, a husband, or some other people in your house who are there when you’re not around, there is always a possibility they don’t quite listen to the instructions given, especially when it comes to food and beverages in those rooms.

You may want to move your furniture to check the carpet for stains. There may have been a little bit of grape juice or something else spilled near the couch but it was covered up. There may have been crumbs dropped that were kicked under an entertainment center. Over time, this can affect the condition and quality of your new carpeting.

Even though you had brand new carpeting installed recently, it’s a good idea to have it professionally cleaned at least once a year, or more depending on the wear and tear it receives.

Researchers indicate that the more often you have your wall-to-wall carpeting professionally cleaned by a quality company, the more years you’ll get out of it. That can save you a tremendous amount of money over time.

If you notice the new carpet smell is no longer present, potential stains or other issues, or anything else that causes you concern, call Royal Interior Cleaning today.

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