5 Spring Cleaning Tips That Truly Make a Difference

carpet cleaning torontoWinter is now in the rearview mirror which means spring cleaning is probably at hand. Millions of people all across the country take to spring cleaning as a way to help clear out the stale air from the winter, start fresh for the spring months ahead, and feel rejuvenated at last.

Spring cleaning can be a number of small projects or a major one that everyone in the household can enjoy working on together. In order to get the most out of this opportunity, here are five spring cleaning tips you might want to keep in mind.

Spring Cleaning Tip #1: Start at the top.

The ceiling, crown molding, corners and edges where the wall meets the ceiling, and ceiling fans and lights should all be cleaned first. When you start from the top and work your way down, the dust that gets disturbed first will eventually settle onto the floor, furniture, carpeting, and other surfaces that you will clean later.

Spring Cleaning Tip #2: Break large jobs down.

It’s easy to be ambitious, especially when the weather finally gets warm, but when you start with large jobs and they don’t get finished within a few hours, it’s easy to lose interest.

Instead, break the large jobs down into a number of smaller tasks that can be handled in a relatively short amount of time.

Spring Cleaning Tip #3: Use natural cleaning solutions.

Some of the harsh cleaning solutions are not only bad for your health, they’re also bad for the environment. Focus on natural cleaning solutions instead, such as orange enhanced cleaners and other similar products.

Spring Cleaning Tip #4: Get everyone involved.

If you live alone, call on some friends or family members to help out, especially when you’re doing a major, thorough cleaning of the entire house from top to bottom. If you have a spouse and children, make sure they are involved in this spring cleaning project. When people are invested in the cleanliness of their home, they will do more to help keep it clean moving forward.

Spring Cleaning Tip #5: Hire a professional carpet cleaning service.

Once everything else is cleaned in your house, a professional carpet cleaning service can be a great asset. This helps to get all of the last dust, dirt, and other allergens and pollutants out of your home.

That will allow you and everyone in your family an opportunity to breathe fresh air and enjoy the new feel of your home.

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