Winter Cleaning Tips: You Don’t Need to Wait for Spring!

The Throwaway Culture: Why Those Items Just Might be Cleaned ProperlyThere’s no reason why you can’t do some ‘spring cleaning’ in the winter. You can call it winter cleaning it makes more sense. Here are a few tips that may just help you clean your house, feel more comfortable, and even be better prepared for those warmer temperatures that will eventually arrive again.

Winter Cleaning Tip #1: Declutter.

It’s a good idea to declutter your house as much as you can. Go through your closets, the attic, and if you have a basement, throughout that part of the house as well. Take everything out, go through it, pack stuff away you don’t need anymore, donate or sell it, give it away to family members, or dispose of it.

Some people have a difficult time letting go of things, especially mementos. You might want to consider a simple rule: if you haven’t looked at it, thought about it, or used it in five years, it’s time to let go.

Winter Cleaning Tip #2: Pack away spring/summer clothes.

You can put these clothes in storage or up in the attic. Pack them away in a plastic bin with moth balls to protect them from insects. Keep them organized.

This will make it much easier for you to unpack when warmer weather finally arise.

Winter Cleaning Tip #3: Wipe down your windows.

Even though it’s cold outside, you can still get outdoors to clean the windows thoroughly. Use a good window cleaning spray, newspapers for best results, and a small razor blade to get any stubborn dirt or other debris, including paint, from the glass.

Clean the windows inside and out. Once you’re done, you’ll look around and feel much more comfortable as the winter months continue to roll on by.

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