The Little Things We Overlook Impact Cleanliness of Our Carpets

vacuum-80 percent of the dust and dirt in your home is actually the result of dead skin cells. Even though you’ve minimized the amount of dirt that gets tracked into your house, you haven’t done anything to reduce the amount of dust. The longer dust collects, the more it attracts to itself, thus making bigger flakes of dust. Eventually that looks like dirt.

Even the strongest vacuum cleaner in the world for homes isn’t going to be powerful enough to get everything out of your carpet fibers.

On top of all that, if you don’t sweep, mop, and essentially clean all of the floors in your house as often as you vacuum, that dirt that gets left behind will become stuck on socks, bare feet, and eventually be transferred to the carpeting.

There’s only one sure way to improve the cleanliness of the carpeting in your home. That is to have them professionally cleaned at least once a year.

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