What’s the Most Common Household Item Contaminating Your Carpets?

don't freak out over spilt grape juiceWhether you have brand new wall-to-wall carpeting or they’ve been in place for several years, you do have to worry about stains and other materials that can affect their quality, cleanliness, and possibly even the health of everyone in your household. It’s easy to refuse permission for anyone to bring food items into those rooms with carpeting, but that doesn’t mean everyone is adhering to those wishes or commands.

People enjoy snacking, even in the living room or family room.

They grab a snack, a late dinner, and just want to relax in front of the TV. This may not happen at all with solid diligence during the first few months those carpets are installed. However, over time, people naturally have a tendency to become more relaxed about these rules and expectations. Then, the first little stain, spill, or other issue happens and all bets are off; they will have a tendency to care a lot less once that brand-new car gets its first scratch, or when the carpet gets its first stain.

The most common household item that is likely contaminating your carpets is food or beverage.

It could be spaghetti sauce, mayonnaise, grape juice, some other type of juice, beer or other alcoholic beverages, and so on. Even the subtle things that barely get noticed, like breadcrumbs, will contaminate your carpets over time. While bread may not produce vile odor when dry, if it gets damp or something else happens, even this simple and innocuous food item could become an issue for your carpets.

What can you do to keep them protected?

When you want to have your carpets protected, it may be impractical to guarantee no one will be eating or drinking in those rooms, and if that’s the case, hiring a professional and experienced carpet cleaning service is the best asset.

Having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once per year (twice per year is ideal) can protect them, remove stains, and extend the life of those carpets for years.

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