What Is That Old Vacuum Telling You?

vacuum-You’re a smart, savvy individual. You don’t waste a lot of money. If something is still working, you keep it, even though there might be newer products out there that are more lightweight, look better, and perform a little bit better. In fact, you still have one of those massive tube style television sets in your house because it keeps working. That’s great, but if you have an old vacuum, is it really doing the job you need it to do?

It might not be cleaning your carpets that well.

Perhaps you take apart the vacuum cleaner at least couple of times a year, clean the beater bar, suck out all of the dirt, change the filters if there’s a HEPA filter, and make sure it is in good operating condition. However, as with most machines it will begin losing power over time. You may have the technical knowledge and fortitude to repair and rebuild a small motor like that, but most people do not do.

So, what could that old vacuum be telling you right now?

It may still look pretty good and be working, but it might not be getting the job done as well as you’d like or even think it’s doing. After all, once you vacuum the bedrooms, the family room, possibly even the area rug in the living room, everything looks pretty good. What you fail to realize, though, is that those carpets just aren’t nearly as clean as they appear on the surface.

Even the most powerful vacuum cleaners today are unable to get all of the dirt, dust, and other debris up from carpet, whether it’s a Berber style or deep pile. These particulates get caught in the fibers and become extremely impervious to suction.

That’s why a carpet cleaning service is so important to making sure your carpets are not just looking their best, but being as clean and protected as possible.

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