Why a Quick Vacuuming Is Not Getting Your Carpets Properly Cleaned

tips to help keep your house looking goodYou have kids, a full-time job, maybe a couple of part-time jobs, and numerous other responsibilities going on in your life. You don’t have a lot of time to devote to cleaning in your home. As a result, when it comes to your carpets and area rugs, you may simply run a vacuum cleaner over the surface quickly.

It certainly might look as though the carpets have been cleaned well enough, but they haven’t. In reality, all you’ve done is clean the uppermost level of the carpet fibers, allowing the dirt, dust, and other pollutants to work deeper into the carpet pile. Even though you can’t see it, your carpets are not clean or providing the top level of health for you and the rest of your family.

Running that vacuum cleaner quickly over your carpeting is going to put nice lines that make it appear clean. However, dirt, dust, and other pollutants can cling to the carpet fibers which means you want that vacuum cleaner to be on top of each portion of the carpeting for an extended length of time, allowing the suction of the vacuum work its magic.

What you want to do to vacuum properly is break your room into quadrants, do one quadrant at a time by vacuuming slowly in one direction then back, and then shifting in a perpendicular direction.

You should spend a fair amount of time with that vacuum cleaner going over each room. If you have limited time to get all of this done, do a different room every day of the week. By the end of the week you should have every room thoroughly vacuumed and be ready to start the routine once again.

If you really want a clean and healthy carpet, make sure you dust consistently as well and rely on a professional carpet cleaning service every six months. It can make a world of difference for you and your family.

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