How Long after the Carpet Cleaners Leave Can You Use that Room?

Almost nineYou’ve hired a professional carpet cleaning service to come into your home and thoroughly clean all of the carpeting. They moved furniture around, placed the legs of your couch, coffee table, and other furniture on aluminum foil or some other surface, and they took some of your fans and turned them on, blowing across the carpet to help them dry.

If they left and you didn’t ask them how long you have to wait until you can use that room again, the answer can vary, depending on the company, their technique, and the equipment they used.

First and foremost, if any professional carpet cleaning service shows up at your house to thoroughly clean all of your wall-to-wall carpeting and they bring in the equipment, rather than using equipment mounted on a truck, then you should stop them, ask them to leave, and call Royal Interior Cleaning. If you notice this happening, the company doesn’t have the most powerful machines that are truly going to make a difference.

Only truck mounted equipment can get deep down into the carpet pile to get them thoroughly cleaned.

As long as the company relies on that truck mounted carpet cleaning equipment, you’ll know the carpets are being cleaned thoroughly. They’re also getting injected with an incredible amount of water, but those powerful machines (because they are truck mounted) are also getting a lot of that water back out.

Ultimately, it may take several hours before the carpets properly dry. You can still use the carpeting immediately after the company leaves, but you are advised to wear clean socks, not go barefoot, and avoid wearing shoes whenever you walk on the carpeting for at least 24 hours. That will allow the carpeting to dry properly all the way down to the foam under padding.

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