3 Steps to Take to Deal with the Stain that ‘Won’t Go Away’

Stain RemovalWhether you had brand-new carpeting installed or you moved into a house that had the carpeting recently replaced, at some point in time you’re likely going to experience a stain. That can certainly be frustrating.

Getting the stain up as quickly as possible is essential. However, many people go about removing stains the wrong way. They have a tendency to scrub the stains rather than blot it up. If you scrub the stain you’re only going to be pushing it deeper into the carpet pile. Over time, that ‘stain’ can linger.

It might look as though you got it all up, but when the cleaning solution, water, or even astringent material dries up, many homeowners end up noticing a different tint to the carpet where the stain happened.

If you’re dealing with a stain that simply won’t go away, here are three steps you might want to take to help you deal with it properly.

Step #1: Try a safe cleaning solution.

The best way to determine whether or not a stain cleaning solution is safe is to try it in an obscure place on the carpeting. Usually underneath a large piece of furniture, such as a couch, is ideal.

Step #2: Blot the stain.

Instead of scrubbing, blot. Every time you scrub you are pushing that stain further down into the carpet pile.

Step #3: Call on an experienced carpet cleaning service.

When you call on professional carpet cleaning services, like Royal Interior Cleaning, you will get a quality carpet cleaning service person out to your house quickly. They can completely clean the entire carpet or just the stained area. It’s all up to you, but when you have your carpets professionally cleaned at least twice a year, you not only improving air quality throughout your home, you also enjoy your carpet for many more years to come.

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