The Great Stain: How to Deal with Carpet Stains

Stain RemovalIt’s one of those sinking feelings many people have when the worst possible thing that can happen suddenly happens. You had brand new carpeting installed recently and despite what you told your children, spouse, and other people who come into your home, somebody took a drink into the room with them.

It could’ve been food, a pet accident, a spilled grape drink, wine, or anything else, but there it is: the stain that attracts all of your attention the minute you step into the room.

There are numerous ways people deal with stains, but most of them are simply wrong. If you deal with the stain wrong way, it can actually make things much worse. Here’s how you should go about dealing with carpet stains.

First, don’t panic.

Panic is the one response that leads to significant mistakes. Panic usually causes a person to grab some paper towels or a hand towel and begin scrubbing that stain, that liquid or pasta sauce, or whatever it was, and all that’s going to do is push it deeper into the carpet pile.

Second, realize almost every stain can be removed.

Grape juice, wine, pasta sauce, and so many other staining materials can be effectively removed from carpeting with the right cleaning solutions, machines, and techniques. If you can’t get the stain up completely, don’t assume the carpet is completely destroyed.

It may be time to call Royal Interior Cleaning to have them come out and assess the stain and take care of the problem for you.

Third, blot the stain.

You can certainly pour some water over the stain, but the most important thing to do is blot it. Instead of rubbing and scrubbing it, gently place a paper towel or other towel over it and allow the liquid to become absorbed that way.

Stains can cause a great deal of grief and aggravation, but they are removable. Call on Royal Interior Cleaning if you have a stain on your carpets, no matter how long it’s been there.

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