3 Ways to Get Children Involved in Cleaning Your Home

getting kids to help cleanYou have children, brand new carpets, and you’re struggling to find ways to keep everything as clean as possible. You’re getting tired of constantly chasing around your kids, picking up after them, and admonishing them for being such slobs.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Below are three effective strategies that can help you get your children involved in cleaning your home. No matter how much they clean, how often you use your vacuum, keep in mind that those carpets are going to take a significant amount of abuse.

That’s why it’s a good idea to schedule regular professional cleaning of your carpeting, at least once a year if not twice per year.

In the meantime, consider these three strategies for getting children involved in helping to keep your home clean.

1. Offer an allowance.

Some people consider this a bribe, but when you go to work, do you consider your paycheck a bribe? Of course not. If you offer an allowance for your children to do their chores without fuss and without reminders, they will see it as something they can earn on their own.

2. Withhold benefits.

Maybe a benefit is time with video games or watching TV. Perhaps it’s spending time with their friends or going outside. If your children are not allowed to do these things unless they clean and do what you asked, they may fuss and throw temper tantrums at first, but when they realize you’re serious and it’s going to stick to it, they get the hint pretty quick.

3. Make it a game.

Children love to play games. If you make cleaning a chore, that’s all it’s going to be for them, even into young adulthood. However, if you make games out of each cleaning project, it can attract them and inspire them to continue doing it even when you’re not asking them to.

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