Experienced Carpet Cleaning Professionals Have the Best Technique

onedirectionTechnique is incredibly important when it comes to many cleaning services. When you’re talking about carpet cleaning services, the technique the individual uses to help get those carpets clean can be just as important, if not more so, than the actual equipment or cleaning solutions they use.

An inexperienced carpet cleaning professional may approach the cleaning process in a similar fashion to vacuum cleaning at their home. It seems to make sense, and it is a far too common mistake among many new, inexperienced carpet cleaning companies and professionals.

Cleaning in one direction.

This is one of the most common mistakes most carpet cleaning professionals who have just started doing this work make. They only clean in one direction. In reality, the carpet can appear to be matted down in every direction, but in most cases the carpet fibers will likely fold one way or another.

It’s similar to mowing the grass and ‘training’ the grass blades to lean a certain direction. That’s what creates the various colored texture of lines in a well maintained lawn.

In order to thoroughly clean carpet, it’s important to vacuum or use the carpet cleaning machine in two directions. Relying on a perpendicular set up, it helps to maximize the efficiency of the carpet cleaning machines to get the most dirt and debris out of the carpet fibers.

Also, going slow is essential. A person who moves too fast won’t allow the carpet cleaning machine to either inject the right amount of water deep into the carpet pile or the suction to draw it all back out, bringing along with it most of the dirt, dust, and other pollutants.

When hiring a carpet cleaning service, make sure to ask about the level of experience of the people who will actually be doing the work. With quality experience, your carpets can look almost like new, regardless of their age.

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