Common Germ Generators in Your Home, and How You Can Beat them Back!

common germ generatorsBelieve it or not, you’re probably surrounded by germ factories throughout your Toronto home, and don’t even realize it. Many people focus on the most common areas where germs are said to be found, such as in the bathroom, around the toilet, by the kitchen sink and counters, and other areas.

However, how many times do you clean the handles on your doors? What about the television remote? Your toothbrush is also a germ generator.

You can take control and beat those germs back with some simple tips and a change of focus.

The television remote. This is one object in almost every Toronto home that every person in the house touches on a regular basis. You can clean it by wiping it down using an alcohol wipe or spraying a microfiber cloth with some type of disinfecting solution. Scrub the remote on a regular basis. You should also encourage anybody in your house to wash their hands thoroughly before they’re planning to sit down and watch TV.

Computer keyboards. While you may be the only person you think touches your computer, that might not really be the case. Anybody who wanders into your office or goes near your computer could be transferring germs just by breathing close to it.

It’s a good idea to clean the computer keyboard on a regular basis and even the mouse that you use to control your computer.

Check your toothbrush. Your toothbrush can harbor an incredible amount of bacteria. The best way to ensure that you toothbrush stays clean is to ensure that it dries completely between each use. You also want to make sure it is nowhere near the toilet. The basic act of going to the bathroom and then flushing it actually churns up fluid into the air in a fine mist that can collect on your toothbrush. Yes, that is disgusting.

If the toothbrush is stored somewhere in the bathroom, make sure that you close the toilet lid before flushing, but preferably keep the toothbrush in a medicine cabinet or somewhere else that protects it from this potentially harmful mist.

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