A Simple Tip That Can Help Even the Busiest Home Owner Stay on Top of Cleaning

The Second 3 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for a Summer PartyYou’re a homeowner. You like your house to be clean, but that’s not always practical. You work a full-time job, are raising children, and have many other responsibilities to take care of.

Usually, your major cleaning occurs on the weekend. You might end up spending two, three, or five hours cleaning your house thoroughly. It might take you an hour to vacuum, another hour to clean the rest of the floors, kitchen, and bathroom, and then you get around to dusting and making sure everything else is in tip top shape.

This can lead to burnout quite quickly.

When you burn out doing something, you try to avoid it as often as possible. Suddenly, one weekend you don’t feel like cleaning, so you pass it by. Then, the second weekend arrives and you just don’t feel like it. You might go through the motions, but you’re not doing a good cleaning.

Here’s a simple tip that might help you keep your home looking great and being healthier. Keep in mind that if you avoid vacuuming or don’t consider carpet cleaning services at least once a year, the indoor air quality of your diminishes exponentially.

Simple Cleaning Tip: Clean one room every day.

After you get home from work, once the kids are done with sports and other activities, dinner is over, all you want to do is just relax, right?

However, if you took just 15 minutes, which is less than the total volume of commercials on a one-hour drama TV show, you could vacuum, dust, straighten up, and basically clean thoroughly one room in the house.

Yes, every room is different.

Some rooms will take longer for you to clean than others. Still, if you get into the habit of cleaning up one room every day, you won’t be spending hours on your precious weekends trying to make up for it.

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