The Three Biggest Myths About Home Carpet Cleaning Services

dollar-signIf you’ve been considering hiring a carpet cleaning service for your home, you may be wary about your decision. You don’t want to make the wrong decision.

You want your home to look its best, but you also want to protect yourself and your family. You’ve heard some horror stories about carpet cleaning services in the past, and you don’t want to be another one that begin circulating through your neighborhood.

If you’re a person who doesn’t even consider home carpet cleaning services, except in very rare circumstances, such as a holiday party or other celebration, or you haven’t been able to commit yourself to this important decision, here are three of the biggest myths to put to rest right now. When you set them aside, you will be able to focus in on the right company much more easily.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #1: They’re too expensive.

Paying somebody a couple of hundred dollars to come in and clean your carpets doesn’t seem reasonable, especially if you can just go out and rent your own carpet cleaning machine or purchase one for regular use. In reality, when you consider the investment you made in your carpeting initially, making a small investment once a year, at least, is a small price to pay to keep them protected.

If you go out and rent your own carpet cleaning machine, you probably have no idea who used it before and that can expose you, your house, and your family to harmful chemicals, bacteria, and other germs.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #2: They don’t matter.

You don’t really need to get your carpet cleaned, do you? If you have one of the most powerful residential vacuum cleaners on the market, you may assume everything’s fine. However, even the most powerful suction isn’t enough to get all of those germs, bacteria, dirt, and other foreign contaminants, including allergens, out of your carpet fibers.

The only way to get them out completely is through a professional carpet cleaning service that uses truck mounted equipment.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #3: Any company is just fine.

You can hire any company, it doesn’t really matter. Hire the cheapest, right?

If you don’t mind having rented cleaning machines coming into your house, possibly dragging in with them germs, bacteria, and really harmful stuff, then go ahead.

If that doesn’t sound appealing, make sure you only choose a company that relies on truck mounted equipment.

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