Winter Challenges of Keeping Clean Carpets

winter-700For some people, winter is an exciting season. For others, it is just a drag. For both of these extremes, when they have carpeting in their home, they understand winter is simply going to be a challenge to keep those rooms and carpets cleaned.

This becomes exacerbated with more people in the house.

Whether it’s college friends and roommates, children, or others who share this house with you, keeping those carpets and area rugs clean during the winter is going to be extremely difficult. You might have everyone remove their shoes the second they step into the house, and they might certainly comply, but that doesn’t mean the carpets are as protected as you hope.

Most of the time people will be stepping out of their boots and other shoes in the same area. That means snow, salt, pebbles, dirt, and other items are going to be melting off the shoes, puddling on the floor around the area just inside the doorway, and even those thick socks will be getting a little bit of that material on them, thus dragging them throughout the house.

On top of that, people are going to be spending more time indoors.

That means more time in the family or TV room, living room, and bedrooms. The more time people spend indoors, the more likely they will be eating in other areas outside of the kitchen or dining room. Food items, drinks, and more can spill and even though they might not show up right away, it is still going to be affecting the carpeting throughout the season and beyond.

It’s a good idea to consider a professional carpet cleaning service.

Having a company like Royal Interior Cleaning coming into your house and thoroughly cleaning those carpets at least once a year, possibly scheduling it toward the end of the season, is a great asset. It also would be an asset to have them on hand to do some spot cleaning of stains when they do occur.

Remember, vacuuming is a wonderful asset but even the most powerful machines out there cannot get everything up out of deep pile or Berber carpeting. That is why a professional cleaning service is still a great asset to keep in mind.

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