Spot Carpet Repairs: A Great Reason to Save Some of That ‘Extra’ Shag During Installation

Bed Bugs Don’t Just Breed in Mattresses: They Can Also be Hiding in Your Carpeting and FurnitureYou’re about to have brand new wall-to-wall carpeting installed in your home. It can be exciting. You just can’t wait to see how amazing they look. Perhaps you’ve had new carpeting installed in the past and remember that unique aroma that fills the house.

When the installers arrive to put the carpeting in, there will certainly be extra sections left over. They estimate just how much carpeting they’re going to need, and since they don’t want to run short in any room, they usually have a bit extra.

Ask if you can keep some of that extra shag carpet. As long as you paid for it, it’s yours and they should more than readily offer it to you.

Why would you keep this?

Keep those extra patches of carpeting in a safe, dry area. On a shelf in a closet or even on the floor of the closet, under a couple of boxes, may be an ideal location. Avoid keeping it in a damp, soggy basement or anywhere where mildew is present.

You may never need this extra patch of carpet, but in the event serious damage is caused to your new carpeting, you have a section to replace it with.

Most stains can be removed by an experienced and professional carpet cleaning service that has the right cleaning solutions and truck mounted equipment, which is the most powerful and able to get deep down into the carpet pile.

Some stains, though, could become permanent, especially if they are ignored or you don’t even know they happened. The longer a harsh stain is allowed to set in to the carpet, the more likely it becomes permanent. Burn marks can also be a reason to have to replace a small section of the carpeting.

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