Protect New Hardwood Floors with Area Rugs

persian and other fine rugsYou’ve been doing a lot of work on your house lately. You’ve been making a considerable investment in it. Recently you just had gorgeous tongue and groove hardwood floors installed across your entire main floor.

It can look amazing. You may step in the house, breathe in the scent of that hardwood, and be proud of your decision. You should be.

Now, it’s time to protect it.

Now is the time to begin thinking about ways you can protect your hardwood floor surfaces. There are plenty of benefits hardwood floors offer as opposed to wall-to-wall carpeting, but it also poses a number of challenges.

For example, if someone in your household has a tendency to wear high heels, those heels can cause depressions, gouges, and scratches on the surface of your hardwood floors. Also, anytime you have people walking in the same general path, such as between the front door and down the hall, it will begin to wear out over time. This is true of carpeting, area rugs, and hardwood floor surfaces. It’s true of linoleum and ceramic tile as well.

If you want to help protect those hardwood floors, but you don’t want to completely cover them up, consider area rugs.

Down the hallway you could place a narrow runner, or basically a narrow, long area rug that will still give you the benefit of enjoying the hardwood floor surface along the side, but keep the floor surface protected from high traffic.

You may want to consider an area rug between the couches, recliner, and underneath the coffee table or end tables.

When you rely on area rugs, have them professionally cleaned.

Many people only think about a professional carpet cleaning service for wall-to-wall carpeting, but it can be ideal for area rugs as well. Dirt and dust can get trapped in the carbon fiber of those area rugs, causing them to lose their texture, make the color seemed to fade, and look old and fatigued before they actually are old.

Having a professional and experienced carpet cleaning service clean them, can help restore them to almost new condition. You’ll be glad in a few years you decided to protect those new hardwood floor surfaces.

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