Persian and other Fine Rugs Need Special Attention

persian and other fine rugsCaring for Persian and other fine rugs requires special attention. It’s not like taking care of an area carpet or even a wall-to-wall carpet. You can certainly vacuum the Persian rug, but occasionally it’s beneficial to bring that rug outside and beat it to get the dust and debris out of it.

Why vacuuming is not enough.

Simple vacuuming of any carpet or rug is only going to get a small portion of the dirt, dust, and allergens out of it. Over time that dirt and dust is going to build up and begin to show through the carpeting itself.

Persian rugs are incredible works of art. Where you place the Persian rug can help determine its life expectancy. If you place it in a high traffic area, you’re going to experience wear and tear. Most often there are going to be lines that get worn through it where people most likely walk.

This doesn’t mean you have to keep people off the rug entirely, but get in the habit of rotating and moving the rug slightly to help even out the wear that it sees.

Keep out of direct sunlight.

You want to minimize the amount of direct sunlight that hits these fine rugs. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are responsible for fading of furniture and those rugs. The more you protect your Persian rug from direct sunlight, the longer you can expect it to last.

Avoid vacuuming the fringe.

The fringe is one of the most delicate parts of the Persian rug so avoid vacuuming anywhere near the fringe. If the fringe gets caught in the vacuum roller bar, it could cause a significant amount of damage.

Also, if there is any strand or portion of the Persian rug that is frayed or coming undone, have it repaired before trying to vacuum it again. When you follow these basic tips and give your Persian and other fine rugs the attention they deserve, they should last for many, many years.

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