Odd Odors, Stains, and Nuisances: Carpet Cleaning Could Help

StainYou come home after a long day at work and all you want to do is relax. You step in to the side door, place your laptop bag down, and walk to the refrigerator. You’re glad to be home and you drag out a beverage to cool you down. You stand in the kitchen and look around the adjacent rooms. You feel like relaxing for a change in your Toronto home.

You go over to the family room, grab the remote, and flick on the TV and cable box. You sit back in your recliner and begin to notice an odd odor in the room. For most of the summer you had the windows open, but now that it is getting cold once again, you keep the windows closed and occasionally the heat comes on. You didn’t notice this odor before, but now it is hitting you squarely in the nose.

You get up and walk around trying to figure out where it is coming from. It is an odd odor and you can’t quite place it. It is as though the dirty laundry hamper hasn’t been emptied in weeks. However, when you leave the room the odor diminishes. You step back in the room and look around and notice a couple of stains that you hadn’t paid attention to before.

Not only are the stains now an eyesore that you’ll be noticing every time you come into the room, you may end up trying to rearrange the room to cover them up. However, nothing you do in that regard is going to cover up the odor. You may try using a carpet cleaning powder and then vacuum it up, but the odor is only masked for a short period of time.

Eventually the odor comes back in full force. There could be any number of reasons for this. The most common is that the stain that was not cleaned properly and sifted down into the carpet fibers, even to the undercoating of the carpet and began to decay. The carpet itself could be emitting an odor because the dirt it has collected for such a long time.

You don’t need to get brand new carpeting installed, especially if the carpeting is not 8 to 10 years old yet. What you could use is a professional carpet cleaning service. They can get deeply embedded stains and odors out of just about any carpet or area rug. For the best professional carpet cleaning service in Toronto, call on Royal Interior Cleaning right now.

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