How to Know When It’s Time to Finally Replace Those Carpets

rugYour carpets look haggard. There are stains, the Berber is all over the place, and some of the carpet fibers are getting pulled out by your cats. It’s annoying, frustrating, and even detecting at times when you come home and, even though you vacuumed yesterday, it simply doesn’t look very good.

How do you know when it’s time to replace carpets or choose to hire a professional carpet cleaning service?

Consider age.

How old are the carpets? If they are at least six, seven, or eight years old, and if you’ve never had them professionally cleaned before, there will probably be limited benefits to hiring a carpet cleaning service.

Don’t get us wrong, a professional and experienced carpet cleaning company can certainly do wonders, but if you’re hoping to restore your carpets to ‘like new’ condition, it’s simply not going to happen.

Consider usage.

How many people live in your house? Do you have children? How many? How often do their friends come over? Is your wife or husband constantly having people coming and going? Do these people in your family or roommates tend to take care of things or do they not really care at all?

The more use your carpets have gotten, the more stains they’ve been subject to, and the more likely some of those stains, including possibly pet urine, have made it all the way down to the foam padding underneath.

While a carpet cleaning service can certainly help, the longer those liquids and other materials soak into the surface, the more it begins to break down the carpet itself, the foam underpadding, and that creates less cushion and more odors you don’t want to deal with anymore.

Can a professional carpet cleaning service restore them?

Your carpets may very well be seven or eight years old, but they’ve seen little usage through the years, at least comparatively speaking. A professional carpet cleaning service may very well be up to help.

The more you take care of your carpets in the short-term, the more benefits you’ll receive in the long-term and it can also help you avoid the expense of replacing all of your carpets for at least 10 or 12 years.

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