Keeping Your Carpets Cleaned Means Paying Attention to Baseboards, Too

The Most Harmful Germ Factories in Your Home (that You Didn’t Even Think About)There are many different things you can do to keep your carpets looking like new. Most Toronto area homeowners and others across the world have a tendency to believe vacuuming alone is more than enough.

It’s not.

You can vacuum every single day of the week and still notice the condition of your carpeting beginning to degrade over time. Yes, relying on a professional carpet cleaning service every six months is a great way to keep your carpets in optimal condition throughout the year, but there are other things to focus on as well. One of those is to clean the baseboards.

When you’re vacuuming or sweeping the floors, one thing that is commonly overlooked are the baseboards. Whether these are rectangular baseboards or curved moldings, on a hardwood floor surface, dust, animal fur, dirt, and other particles can get pushed underneath the baseboards or in the crevices along them. When you’re vacuuming, it’s kicking up a bit of dust into the air that settles onto furniture, window sills, and those baseboards.

While you may be dusting the windowsills on a regular basis, how often are you paying attention to the baseboards? The dust and dirt is building up along those baseboards and will eventually make its way back down onto the carpeting.

After you vacuum, sweep the floors, or do any other basic cleaning, take a damp cloth and wipe down all of the baseboards in the room. Even though you might not see dirt built up along them, doing this helps to remove a lot of the dirt, animal hair, and other particulates that get trapped on the baseboards.

By doing this on a regular basis, you’re going to help keep your carpets cleaner much longer. Still, it’s a good idea not to neglect the regular professional carpet cleaning service you should have done once every six months.

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