Fading of Your Carpets Is a Process of Sun, Time, and Use

Welcome matTime flies. Before you know it, your kids are teenagers, beginning to look at college, and you can’t believe how quickly they grew. You also start looking around your house and seeing a number of issues arising.

The effects of time are starting to take a toll. Your kitchen looks old, your pots and pans are worn out, your bathroom could certainly use a remodel, and the carpets look terrible. ‘But,’ you think to yourself, ‘I just had them installed last year.’

You wonder how things could get so bad so quickly, but then your spouse, friend, or even your child reminds you it’s been quite a few years since you had your wall-to-wall carpeting installed. It just doesn’t feel like it.

You take a closer look and begin to remember that yes, indeed, it’s been six years since you had them installed. Still, you expected they would last a bit longer than that. And they should.

Quality wall-to-wall carpeting should last between 8 to 10 years with average use. With minimal use or exceptional care and support for them through the years, they could last 10, 12, or even more years than that.

Over time your carpets are going to collect more and more dirt. The sunlight is going to fade certain areas of the carpeting. No amount of vacuuming or other cleaning is going to improve their condition as the years press on.

That’s because the dirt, dust, and other foreign contaminants get trapped deeper down into the carpet fiber and not even the most powerful vacuum in the world is going to get them out.

That’s why a professional carpet cleaning every once in a while is a good idea. In fact, those people who have a professional carpet cleaning service come into their home once a year, at a minimum, enjoy their carpets for 10, 12, 14, and possibly even more years than that. When you calculate in the cost of carpeting itself, that’s a lot of savings.

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