Why the Cleanliness of Your Bathroom Affects the Rest of Your House

5 Commonly Overlooked Areas of Your Bathroom that Aren’t Clean!The bathroom. It’s one room in the house that everyone uses every single day. The same doesn’t necessarily have to be true of every other room, but that bathroom can see quite a bit of use, and abuse.

While it’s easy to get caught up in everyday life and let certain things slide, it’s important to not allow the cleanliness of your bathroom to slide. That’s because how clean your bathroom is (or actually, how dirty it gets) can actually have a direct impact on every other room in the entire house. Here are some reasons why that happens to be the case.

First, bathrooms hold a lot of germs.

It’s not just germs, but also bacteria. These germs and bacteria can form along the sink, on the floor around the toilet, in the shower or bathtub, and elsewhere. The ceramic or linoleum tile floor surface is not going to allow those germs or bacteria to disappear.

They can get tracked out onto other surfaces, including onto wall-to-wall carpet, area rugs, and hardwood floor surfaces.

Second, most people will head to the bathroom first thing in the morning, even before they put on socks or slippers. Even if they have slippers and socks on, they will be tracking those germs, bacteria, and other pollutants throughout the house.

Just because you don’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen or exist. When you have your carpets professionally cleaned, they are brand new and have just been installed, or you want to create a healthier environment for your entire house, even though you’d love to have your kids keep their bedrooms clean, keeping that bathroom clean is going to have a direct impact on the health and well-being of your entire household.

So, the next time you call on a professional carpet cleaning service to come out to your home, make sure all of those bathrooms are cleaned thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria elsewhere throughout the house.

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