A Carpet Cleaning Service Could Remove That Foul Odor in Your House

musty smell in carpetOh, boy. That smell. It just won’t go away. You started noticing a stale or foul odor in your house a few days ago. You’ve been looking around and despite going through your refrigerator, getting rid of anything that was suspicious, tossing out all garbage, and vacuuming every single room in your house, mopping the floors, and basically cleaning everything from top down, it is still there.

During the winter months we often have to keep the windows closed tight.

This limits fresh air coming into our house. That can not only be frustrating, it also leads to staler smelling air. You might have done everything right, except one thing. You may have overlooked the cleanliness of your carpets.

Sure, you clean the them with the vacuum, but that doesn’t mean much, especially when you consider just how much dirt, food, and other items have penetrated deep down into the carpet pile where your vacuum is basically powerless to do anything.

Even the most powerful vacuum cleaner in the world cannot clean carpets as thoroughly as people expect.

The longer this goes on, the more likely there are going to be odors trapped in those carpet fibers. This can be exacerbated if you have pets, whether they are housebroken or not, children who often overlook rules and expectations and will still have food and other items with them in those rooms, and haven’t had those carpets professionally cleaned.

A professional carpet cleaning service can help to remove some of those foul odors.

That’s because with truck mounted equipment, the cleaning solutions and water they use penetrates all the way down to the base of the carpets, even to the foam under padding, and then the powerful suction removes it all, along with most of the staining material, which can include pet dander, urine, grape juice, sauce, and more.

After a professional and thorough carpet cleaning service, you will likely notice that foul odor in your house has thankfully disappeared.

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