Winter Took a Toll on Your Carpets, but It’s Not Time to Give Up … It’s Time to Take Charge!

Welcome matWinter has been brutal, as it usually is. In your house, you might have noticed just how significant the trouble is, especially on your carpets. Perhaps you had your carpets professionally cleaned last fall or maybe they were new within the past year or two. Right now, though, they are showing extreme signs of age.

It can be depressing.

We all want a nice, clean, well-maintained house, but life doesn’t slow down, especially when you have young children or teenagers coming and going at all hours of the day and evening. People have a tendency to pay less attention to taking their shoes off or avoiding tracking dirt into the house during the winter, especially if they just have to “run in for something they forgot quickly.”

Tracking in dirt, mud, and even road salt can take a serious toll on the floor surfaces throughout your house, including the carpeting. You may have reached a point when you just want to throw your hands up in the air and give up. After all, if no one else seems to care, why should you?

It’s not time to give up, but to take charge.

You can vacuum until you’re blue in the face, your arms are completely worn out, and your legs buckle beneath you. Still, the stains and dirt will remain. That’s why a professional carpet cleaning service is so important throughout the year, not just heading into or coming out of winter.

The carpets may look tired, dirty, and ridiculous, especially being only a couple of years old, but with a quality company like Royal Interior Cleaning, with professional cleaning equipment, the best, safest cleaning solutions, and the most skilled technicians, even the dirtiest looking carpet can certainly have an almost new appearance and feel, not to mention smell, which can be invigorating as we move into spring and close in on summer.

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Stop Viewing Carpet Cleaning Services as a Waste of Money but Rather an Investment in Your Home, Health, and Family

to tip or not to tipOne of the easiest mistakes people make when it comes to carpet cleaning services is viewing it as an expense. When people see something as an expense, they may try to avoid it as long as possible. That’s why so few people actually rely on carpet cleaning services annually. Instead, they only call on these types of companies when they’re about to sell their house, when they’re overwhelmed with just how dirty their carpet looks, or when they have a special function, like a party, coming up at their house.

How can you view this as an investment?

When you purchase brand-new wall-to-wall carpeting, a gorgeous Persian rug, or some other similar item for your home, is that an investment? No, it’s usually considered an expense.

Why an expense?

Basically, if you purchase something that’s going to lose value over time and use, it’s not an investment. A home is often considered an investment because it is expected that the value of the house, condo, or townhome will increase over the years.

Purchasing brand new carpeting is a wonderful experience, but most people understand that with proper care the average life expectancy is not going to be much more than 10 or 12 years.

So, how could professional carpet cleaning services be considered an investment?

Basically, when a person hires a carpet cleaning service at least once a year, they are helping to maximize the life expectancy of their carpet. They’re also helping to improve indoor air quality, which is beneficial for the entire family’s overall health and well-being.

It becomes one investment to maximize the greater expense in those carpets in the first place. It becomes an investment to help reduce allergens, and bacteria, and germs from sifting into the air every time somebody walks across the carpeting.

For those who have viewed carpet cleaning services as a waste of money, as an expense, try seeing from a different perspective. It could change the entire way you go about keeping your home looking it’s best and being as safe and healthy as possible for your family.

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You Vacuum Every Other Day, Dust Weekly … So WHY Do You Still See So Much Dust Flying Around All the Time?

vacuum--300x199When the sun shines through your windows at just the right angle, you notice it, don’t you? Those little flecks of dust flying in the air. You sit there, narrowing your eyes at it, wondering why in the world there’s just so much dust flying around. You wipe down the shelves, the desk, the dresser and other cabinets regularly.

You vacuum every couple of days because you want your home to be as clean and healthy as possible. You are diligent in your efforts to make sure things look their best, yet, you continue to see just so much flying around.

Most of the time the dust you see getting kicked up is coming from under your feet. It’s coming from the carpeting or area rugs.

But I vacuum all the time!”

That’s one of the most common things people say. The best rebuttal, though it may not be the most tactful, is ‘so what?’

Even the most powerful residential vacuum cleaner in the world is simply not strong enough to get everything out of those carpet fibers. Those carpet fibers are stubborn. When allergens like pollen or pet dander, dust (80% of the dust in most homes is nothing more than dead skin cells), dirt, and even bacteria or germs collect on the carpet fibers, they get stuck in those microscopic hairs.

A vacuum cleaner rolls over it, the beater bar scrapes across the top layer, and it looks like things are getting clean, but that’s about all it’s getting out of there. Over time, with footsteps, and even gravity, all of that material, those particulates, are working their way deeper and deeper into the carpet pile.

When you walk across it, some of it (not even very much of it) still gets kicked up and that’s what you see. Just imagine how much is really still sitting in those carpet fibers.

That’s why it’s a good idea to rely on professional carpet cleaning services from a company that has the most experienced and dedicated personnel and the most powerful truck mounted equipment. That would be Royal Interior Cleaning.

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As Winter Drags On, You May Have Reached Your Breaking Point for Trying to Keep Your Home Clean, but Don’t Give Up: Help Is Just a Phone Call Away

The Second 3 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for a Summer PartyWinter has seemed to drag on this year. Every time you look at the calendar, you can’t believe it’s not yet spring. “When is it going to get here?” you think to yourself, and then begin to lose some hope, especially when everywhere you turn it seems dirt, mud stains, and other debris are just piling up.

You want to keep your home clean, but you’re about to give up.

You might have teenagers constantly running around the house, in and out, spending time with friends, playing in the snow, tracking in mud, and never listening to a word you say about taking their shoes off. You might have a spouse who seems less interested in protecting the carpeting that you just had installed last year than relaxing after a day of work.

You’re busy, too, so what can you do?

While you may be on your own for cleaning up the kitchen, preparing meals, or doing the laundry, Royal Interior Cleaning can help with a lot of other aspects of keeping your home environment looking it’s best. As a professional carpet cleaning service, they have some of the most experienced, dedicated workers with the most powerful truck mounted equipment.

They can come in and help restore that carpeting to almost new condition, also creating a fresher odor in the house that you’re not dreading every time you head home.

They can also assist with area rugs, furniture, and drapery. There are many aspects to keeping a home clean and when it feels as though you’re doing nothing more than chasing your proverbial tail around picking up after everyone else, and winter never seems to give you a break, Royal Interior Cleaning is ready to pick up some of the slack and help out.

Don’t give up. Spring will be here soon and when you have nice, clean carpeting throughout your house, once you open those windows to let the warmer spring, fresh air in, it’s going to feel amazing.

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Want to Know a Powerful Secret to a Healthier Home Environment? Read Here to See Just What a Simple Thing Can Do to Transform Your Home’s Atmosphere and Air Cleanliness

Carpet Phobia: 3 Reasons You Still Might Have Dust Mites even if You Got Rid of All the Carpeting at HomeBillions of dollars are spent every year in marketing the latest diet craze, health fad, exercise regimen, and so on. People all around the world are constantly searching for the magic pill, so to speak, that will transform their lives into something amazing, something that gives them more energy, helps to prevent basic illnesses, and experience life to its fullest.

Believe it or not, none of those really last long.

There’s a reason all of these exercise programs, diet pills, shakes, and other products are constantly being replaced by ‘new and improved’ ideas over and over. That’s because they don’t work.

Why are we talking about a person’s body when we should be talking about carpet cleaning services? Well, the idea is that people truly do want to be healthier, but it’s not always easy and a hustle and bustle society where you are commuting an hour each way to work, stuck in a computer in an office cubicle from the time you start until the time you leave, and then by the time you get home you’re completely exhausted.

Looking for those quick solutions seems convenient.

They rarely ever work for long. Sure, they can work for a short time, but habits, poor diet, a lack of exercise, and so much more will all take a toll. So will the way a person keeps their home clean.

For example, you might vacuum your house at least once a week. It looks pretty good. Maybe you even dust all the shelves once or twice a month. You feel good about it. What you fail to realize is your vacuum is simply not powerful enough to get the vast majority of germs, allergens, and other pollutants up from the area rugs and carpeting.

Every time you walk on those surfaces, all of those materials, the germs and bacteria and so on, or getting kicked up the into the air where you will then breathe them in.

A professional carpet cleaning service is the best secret to help your home environment. Doing this at least once a year (twice a year’s optimal) can promote a healthier indoor environment and improved air quality for everyone in the house.

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Pets Can and Will Do Incredible Damage to Your Carpets, Which Is Why You Need to Consider a Professional Cleaning Service at Least Once a Year

carpet-cleaning-allergiesIf you have pets at home and carpeting, you absolutely must consider professional carpet cleaning services at least once a year. That’s at a minimum. A lot of people don’t consider professional carpet cleaning services unless they really notice the degradation of their carpeting far too quickly or they have a major party coming up with family and friends and they want things to look their best.

Pets can cause a lot of damage to carpets.

It’s not just carpeting, but also hardwood floors and area rugs. While a company like Royal Interior Cleaning isn’t going to be doing much cleaning of those hardwood floor surfaces, they are one of the most experienced that can get out stubborn stains from even the deepest carpet pile as well as area rugs.

But, wasn’t scrubbing the stain enough?

A lot of people make this common mistake. They assume since they scrubbed the area right after they noticed the accident, then everything is fine. In reality, it’s far from fine. That’s because when you scrub, all you’re actually doing besides getting a little bit of the matter up, is pushing it deeper into the carpet pile, all the way down to the foam padding underneath.

Even carpets with Scotchgard protective chemicals aren’t going to protect the entirety of the carpet for very long. Whether it’s a pet stain, dander, mud getting tracked in on their paws from outside, or other materials, over time it’s going to affect the integrity, quality, and cleanliness of the carpeting.

The best thing anyone can do for newer carpeting that’s only a couple of years old who wants to protect it as much as possible is to have a professional carpet cleaning service come in at least once a year to do a thorough, deep cleaning.

Your home will smell fresher, it will be a healthier environment, and your pets will probably love it, too.

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Warning! That Old, Broken Down Vacuum Could Actually Be Making Your Family Sick!

vacuum-You and your family are doing okay financially. You’ve been frugal for a while, and it has paid dividends. You’ve been able to save money for a new house, have paid down your mortgage, and have a little bit left over every year to take a nice vacation. However, that frugal nature could mean you have a considerably old vacuum cleaner that, although it is still operating and seems to be picking up debris from the floor surfaces well enough, could actually be leading your family to some health issues.

How could this be possible?

Well, once you understand how dirt, dust, allergens, and other pollutants get trapped in the carpet fibers, you begin to realize that not even the most powerful, newer vacuum cleaner in the world is strong enough to get out everything. In fact, the vast majority of the dirt and dust you see flying around every time somebody walks into the living room, entertainment room, or a bedroom, is coming from the carpet (not the coffee or end tables).

When you see all that dust and realize you just vacuumed the carpet the previous day, how could this be possible?

Those fine particles, including pollen, dander, and other potential allergens and health issues, are getting trapped in the fiber of the carpet. That old machine is only really getting the dirt that’s along the surface, not down deeper into the fibers of the carpeting itself.

The only way to truly get your carpets completely clean (meaning healthier) for your home and family is with a professional carpet cleaning service. It’s also important to realize that not every carpet cleaning company is the same.

You need to hire somebody that has truck mounted equipment, that uses the most efficient and effective techniques and solutions to get every surface clean, and once you do that, you will begin to notice a change in the air at your house.

Royal Interior Cleaning is one of the most effective, experienced, and efficient carpet cleaning companies out there with the most powerful cleaning equipment to help their clients get and stay as healthy as possible at home, at least so far as the carpets are concerned.

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Keeping Your Home Clean and Healthy Isn’t Simply a Matter of Consistent Effort … It’s Also About Understanding the Value of Powerful Machines

The Second 3 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for a Summer PartyMost homeowners will take a great deal of pride in maintaining their house. They want it looking its best, that they also want to be surrounded by a clean, healthy environment. They understand that letting the sink fill up with dishes, allowing meat juice to fester on the countertops, and even not cleaning the refrigerator out regularly is going to lead to increased health issues for everyone in the house.

They also understand that keeping the floors clean is essential.

When a person is walking across a dirty floor, one that may have pet food, waste, garbage, and other matter on it, means they will be tracking all of that stuff (the germs and bacteria along with it) into every other area of the house.

That’s why so many homeowners vacuum and mop their floors consistently.

However, vacuuming carpets and area rugs is simply not enough to make sure the house is as healthy and safe as possible. To do that requires the right equipment.

Even the most powerful residential vacuum cleaner in the world is simply not strong enough to get all the allergens, pollutants, bacteria, and germs out from the stubborn carpet fibers in most homes. That’s why the most effective way to keep carpets and area rugs as clean as possible is by injecting water and cleaning solutions into them and using the most powerful machines to draw all of that dirty water back out.

That can only be done with truck mounted equipment.

Any person who believes they can either purchase their own carpet cleaning machine or rent one from their local home improvement superstore has been fed, essentially, a lie. Equipment that a person can carry with them is just not strong enough. It can offer a little bit better cleaning than a vacuum cleaner, but nothing close to what a truck mounted machine can do.

The more powerful the machine, the more likely those carpets can be thoroughly cleaned and provide a truly healthier environment at home.

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Don’t Toss Out That Area Rug Until You’ve Read This Vital and Valuable Information!

persian and other fine rugsYou have a rather large area rug that’s been in your house for years. You’ve been vacuuming it, beating it outside to get rid of the dust, but now it’s really starting to show its age. There may be a few wear patterns on it and other issues. If you’ve decided that it may be time to get rid of it, that might not be the best choice. That’s especially true if it’s a Persian rug or another one of some significant value.

Persian rugs are exquisite.

They are handcrafted and often take anywhere between nine months to an entire year to make. That’s one of the primary reasons they’re so valuable and sought after. However, like just about any other area rug, over time they will begin to show the effects of age, normal wear and tear, and the impact of sun exposure, dirt, and more.

Instead of getting rid of that valuable area rug, there may be a better option.

One of the best options to consider is hiring a carpet cleaning service like Royal Interior Cleaning. While a carpet cleaning service may not be able to restore area rugs, they might be able to help them look far better than they do right now. That’s because the cleaning strategies and other techniques to help restore some area carpets are different than simply beating them out or vacuuming.

Royal Interior Cleaning will come to the house, collect the area carpet, and bring it to their facility where they can really go to work with the expertise, knowledge, and materials that make a world of difference.

Not every carpet cleaning service provides this option. Royal Interior Cleaning is one of the few that has an incredible track record for helping to restore carpets and area rugs to almost new condition. Of course, the current condition, age, and a number of other factors will impact how well they might be able to clean and restore this area rug, but a quick assessment from an experienced individual can provide some insight into whether this is an option to consider compared to just tossing it out.

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First-Time Carpet Cleaning Clients Share Their Insights on What They Love (and Hated) About the Company They Hired

carpet cleaning torontoBelieve it or not, most people have never hired (or felt they had the need to) a carpet cleaning company. They either assume their carpet is looking good enough, they scrubbed out stains as soon as they happened, so there was nothing on the surface, or they have so many children and others running around throughout the day that it seems like a wasted effort to even care about the carpets any longer.

Because most people don’t have any prior experience hiring a carpet cleaning service, when they finally sit down to make this important decision, they have no idea where to start or what to look for.

The best place to begin this experience is by reading about others’ experiences.

The Internet is a wonderful bastion of information. It’s also a great way for consumers to learn more about a variety of companies, the services they offer, the products they carry, and the kind of work they do.

Google, Yelp, and even Bing! offer review options for consumers.

Not everyone utilizes these review options. Some people will basically use a particular company, might be completely thrilled or disappointed with the service, and either choose to use them again or not. More and more people, though, are turning to these online review options, even for companies that provide carpet cleaning services.

Look at some of those reviews.

There could be a number of glowing reviews, some extremely poor, one-star reviews, and something in between. Look at a wide range of those reviews. See what consumers have to say, see whatever issues may have arisen when they relied on them.

By doing this, you will be able to get a better assessment of which company is most likely to provide the quality service you demand. When you do, you’ll see that Royal Interior Cleaning is one of the leaders throughout the Greater Toronto Area because of the way they treat their customers, their use of the most powerful truck mounted equipment, and their effort to use the safest, most effective cleaning solutions at all times.

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