Warning! That Old, Broken Down Vacuum Could Actually Be Making Your Family Sick!

vacuum-You and your family are doing okay financially. You’ve been frugal for a while, and it has paid dividends. You’ve been able to save money for a new house, have paid down your mortgage, and have a little bit left over every year to take a nice vacation. However, that frugal nature could mean you have a considerably old vacuum cleaner that, although it is still operating and seems to be picking up debris from the floor surfaces well enough, could actually be leading your family to some health issues.

How could this be possible?

Well, once you understand how dirt, dust, allergens, and other pollutants get trapped in the carpet fibers, you begin to realize that not even the most powerful, newer vacuum cleaner in the world is strong enough to get out everything. In fact, the vast majority of the dirt and dust you see flying around every time somebody walks into the living room, entertainment room, or a bedroom, is coming from the carpet (not the coffee or end tables).

When you see all that dust and realize you just vacuumed the carpet the previous day, how could this be possible?

Those fine particles, including pollen, dander, and other potential allergens and health issues, are getting trapped in the fiber of the carpet. That old machine is only really getting the dirt that’s along the surface, not down deeper into the fibers of the carpeting itself.

The only way to truly get your carpets completely clean (meaning healthier) for your home and family is with a professional carpet cleaning service. It’s also important to realize that not every carpet cleaning company is the same.

You need to hire somebody that has truck mounted equipment, that uses the most efficient and effective techniques and solutions to get every surface clean, and once you do that, you will begin to notice a change in the air at your house.

Royal Interior Cleaning is one of the most effective, experienced, and efficient carpet cleaning companies out there with the most powerful cleaning equipment to help their clients get and stay as healthy as possible at home, at least so far as the carpets are concerned.

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