3 Reasons You Need to Keep People Off Freshly Cleaned Carpeting

3 Reasons You Need to Keep People Off Freshly Cleaned CarpetingYou just had your carpets professionally cleaned and you’re wondering whether it’s actually necessary to keep your entire family off of it for some length of time. Maybe the carpet cleaners, as they were packing up and leaving, provided you a slip of paper with instructions on how to properly care for your carpets until the next cleaning, or advised you to make sure people stay off of it for a certain length of time.

You might have area fans blowing on it, the windows open, and you’re waiting for it to dry, and you could be a bit confused about why you need to wait to return furniture items or get into the room to enjoy watching TV or eating a meal with your family.

Here are three basic reasons why it’s a good idea to keep people off your very recently cleaned carpeting.

Reason #1: It’s wet.

Professional carpet cleaning involves spraying an incredible amount of water onto the carpeting. It is injected down deep into the carpet pile and then vacuumed back up. However, the carpet fibers and the foam under padding are still going to be wet.

That’s why fans may be used to blow air over them to help quicken the drying process.

Reason #2: Because it’s wet, it will attract dirt easier.

To fully understand how this works, take a clean, white shirt and a handful of dry dirt, and throw it at it. For the most part the dirt is going to fall away from the shirt and, if you just pat it, the shirt will remain completely clean.

However, if you take that shirt out of the washer and do the same thing, what’s going to happen? That’s right, the dirt is going to stick to it. The same holds true for your freshly clean carpeting.

Reason #3: You just invested in it.

Since you just made an investment in professionally cleaning your carpets, follow the instructions from the company in order to protect your investment. You and your family are not going to have to stay off the carpeting forever; usually just for a few hours.

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