3 Commonly Overlooked Parts of Your Home to Clean Right Now

The Second 3 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for a Summer PartyYou’re focused on keeping your home as clean as possible. You might vacuum on a regular basis, clean the kitchen every day, maybe even multiple times a day, and keep those bedrooms impeccably clean. However, you’re also likely still dealing with commonly overlooked areas of your home. If you don’t keep these areas clean, it can affect the rest of your home and your family’s health and well-being.

Here are three commonly overlooked parts of a home when it comes to cleaning.

The ceilings.

Think about it. How often do you actually look up at the ceiling? You may notice dust on the ceiling fans or around the light fixtures, and maybe a cobweb here or there, but aside from that most people don’t spend any real time thinking about the cleanliness of their ceiling. Dust has a tendency to settle downward because of gravity, right?

That is true, but depending on the type of ceiling you have and other factors, using a fan, forced hot air, and other air circulation devices, dust and dirt can settle on the ceiling as well.

The tops of cabinets or TV

It’s not just cabinets, but entertainment centers, your TV, and elsewhere that commonly get overlooked. If you’re not dusting these areas on a regular basis, the dust that settles on them will get blown around and then settle back into the carpet, on your end tables, coffee tables, furniture, and even you.

Under cabinets.

Under the bathroom or kitchen sink there could be a number of problems developing. Mold and mildew are the most common, so make sure you keep these areas clean as well.

When you want to maintain a completely clean home, focus on these commonly overlooked areas and give them their due attention as well.

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