Simple Ways to Improve the Longevity of the Carpets Throughout Your Home (Even If You Have Small Kids, Teenagers, or a Slovenly Spouse!)

carpet cleaning tipsMaybe you have young kids at home. They aren’t the ones most likely to pay attention to the cleanliness of their room, or any other room in the house for that matter. Perhaps your spouse is kind of a slob. You’ve admonished him to not eat food in the family room, but he won’t listen.

Over time, this can become frustrating. You just want your house to be clean, safe, and healthy. You also understand the new wall-to-wall carpets you have in all the bedrooms, family room, and a few other rooms were expensive. You want to protect them for us long as you can.

Here are a few simple tips that can help to improve the longevity of those carpets.

Create chores.

Don’t take no for an answer. If you have children, they need to listen to you. If they don’t listen, they don’t get to watch TV, play their video games, or spend time on their tablets, smartphones, or out with friends.

Some people provide an allowance for chores getting done properly. You can certainly use this technique, but whatever you do, make sure every child in your home is responsible for keeping some area or aspect of the house clean.

Be adamant.

Just because your husband or wife doesn’t want to listen about not eating food over the carpeting doesn’t mean that has to continue. Be adamant. Perhaps they don’t realize how much this could cost that they have to replace carpets in just six or seven years where it should last 10 to 12 years.

Rely on a professional carpet cleaning company.

An experienced, dedicated carpet cleaning company like Royal Interior Cleaning can come in and not only clean all of your carpets and area rugs effectively, they can also come in for just spot cleaning up stains.

By focusing on these methods, you will notice your carpets looking better longer.

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