The One MAJOR Mistake Too Many Homeowners Make When Relying on Scotchguard to Protect Their Carpets

That ‘New Carpet’ Smell isn’t Always PleasantPurchasing brand new carpets for your entire house can be quite the expense. The average home might have wall-to-wall carpeting in three bedrooms, the family room, and perhaps one other room. Some have more, some less. To carpet an entire house might cost $5,000 or more.

Many homeowners do accept Scotchgard as an add-on.

This is wonderful. Scotchgard and other protective measures do work, to some degree. However, when there is a spill of any kind, when a dog has an accident, a cat gets sick, a child spills grape juice, a husband drops some spaghetti sauce on it, or anything else occurs, it’s too easy to panic and make a major mistake.

The biggest mistake people make.

Scrubbing out stains. This is, by far, the single greatest mistake homeowners make when something gets spilled onto their carpeting, whether it is brand new or several years old. Just because carpeting has been coated with Scotchgard doesn’t mean the liquid or other substances isn’t going to work its way down into the carpet fibers. If you jump at it with paper towels, another type of towel, or even sponge and begin scrubbing away, what you are doing initially is pushing it deeper down into the carpet pile, beyond the Scotchgard protection.

It’s necessary to blot the stain.

If there is any material on the carpet that could stain it, the Scotchgard is going to do what it can hold it on top. Take paper towels or other towels and lightly blot at the stain.

This takes time!

Don’t become impatient. Lightly blotting at the stain is going to allow the cloth or paper towels to absorb the maximum amount of it. From there, you should notice just how effective Scotchgard can be at protecting your carpeting.

Still, it’s important to have those carpets professionally cleaned as soon as possible. You don’t need your entire house cleaned room by room if they are brand new or you just had somebody do it within a few months; you can contact a company like Royal Interior Cleaning to come out your house and do spot cleaning on those stains.

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