Three Ways a Better Vacuum Could Improve Indoor Air Quality

dealing with more then sneezingYou have allergies. Maybe you don’t, but somebody in your family does. Spring is a time when many people suffer from allergies. Pollen is at its worst at the peak of the spring season. Although spring may still be a few weeks away, we thought it would be a good idea to help you understand why a better vacuum cleaner can actually improve indoor air quality.

A professional carpet cleaning can also be a good idea.

After winter is over, once the snow is gone and the warmer weather is here, you should consider having your carpets professionally cleaned. With a great, reliable company with truck mounted equipment, they can get deep down into the carpet pile to remove the maximum amount of dirt, bacteria, germs, allergens, and other pollutants that build up over time.

Once you have your carpets professionally cleaned, it’s important to have the right type of vacuum cleaner on hand to improve indoor air quality. Remember, every time somebody walks across your carpeting, they are going to be kicking up a lot of those pollutants into the air, and that’s when you start breathing them in.

So here are three ways a better vacuum cleaner can improve indoor air quality.

1. Removing more dirt.

By removing more dirt from your carpets, it’s also going to be removing more allergens and other pollutants. This is going to help improve your indoor air quality and keep the condition of your carpets looking better.

2. Easier to use.

When you have a new vacuum cleaner, it will probably be easier to use and manipulate. This will usually inspire more cleaning, even possibly breaking out that vacuum cleaner every other day or, at a minimum, once a week.

3. Removing more micro pollutants.

If you choose a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter, it will remove more of the allergens, microbes, and other pollutants that can actually pass through your vacuum cleaner without a HEPA filter.

If you haven’t invested in a new vacuum cleaner in a long time, now is a great opportunity to do so.

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