1 Commonly Overlooked Place to Keep Clean in Your Home

Cleaning heater vent withVacuumIf you have central air-conditioning or forced hot air in your Toronto area home, you have vents either in the ceilings, walls, or floors. You might spend a considerable amount of time vacuuming the carpeting, sweeping and washing the floors, and even doing the upholstery including curtains.

You do this to make sure your home is completely clean at all times. Yet there are numerous places throughout the house you might be overlooking and those vents are some of the most common places that collect dust, dirt, and foreign particulates such as allergens.

How to keep these vents clean.

It’s best to hire an experienced professional to come in and thoroughly clean the ductwork throughout your house, but you can certainly clean the fence on a regular basis. You can do this by using medium-sized pipe cleaners, dust rags, and other methods. You’ll notice dust collecting on the metal or plastic of these vents, getting trapped and building up over time.

Every minute that air is being forced through the system it is picking up some of these nearly invisible particulates and throwing them up into the air. That’s one reason why you are constantly chasing your tail and dusting the coffee table, shelves, picture frames, and everything else you see.

Using a vacuum attachment and just brushing it over the top of these vents isn’t going to do much aside from picking up small amounts of dust, pet hair, and anything else that gets stuck to them right on the surface around the outside edge of those vents.

Spend some time thoroughly cleaning out these vents at least once a month. You can do the vents in one room at a time and it should only take you five or 10 minutes tops to complete the room and improve the air quality in your house.

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