Ways You Can Extend the Life of Area Rugs

vacuum-You have a number of area rugs in your house. You might have one underneath the dining room table. You may have a runner down the hall. You could have a couple of area rugs, maybe even a gorgeous Persian rug, along the floor of your living room, or other part of the house.

Vacuuming isn’t enough.

You vacuum those rugs, just like you do the wall-to-wall carpeting in your bedrooms and maybe even the family room. You figure that is enough.

However, over time, you will start to notice those rugs beginning to wear out. They don’t look as clean or as bright as they did when you first brought them into your house. There are ways you can extend the life of your area rugs to which could save you potentially thousands upon thousands of dollars by not having to replace them in four or five years.

Have them professionally cleaned.

Just as you should have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year, if not every six months, you should have those area rugs cleaned consistently, too. A professional carpet cleaning service can either do that in your house or take your area rugs away for a more thorough, deep cleaning and possibly basic repair, especially if you have valuable area rugs like Persian rugs.

Rotate them.

It’s a good idea to rotate your rugs, especially those that are in common walking areas. If you rotate them, they will not wear out in one spot quicker than anywhere else on the rug. This will extend the life expectancy for these area rugs.

Keep them out of direct sunlight.

Anything in the direct glare of the sun is going to be affected by the ultraviolet radiation. Those UV rays are going to fade the colors and make those rugs look less than optimal within a few short years. If you keep them out of direct sunlight, it can help extend the life expectancy for those rugs and other surfaces.

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