Odor Busting Through Professional Carpet Cleaning

musty smell in carpetYou had been out, away from home, for several days. Maybe it was a business trip or a mini vacation during the winter. During the winter you’re most likely to keep your windows and doors sealed tight, especially when you’re away for a few days.

When you returned home, you probably noticed a stale, musty, or foul-smelling odor. It might have been there all along, but the more time a person spends in the same area, the more accustomed they are to various smells and odors. It can get to the point where even a tough odor is barely even noticed and you may be surprised if a family member or friend came by for a visit and commented on it.

However, because you are away for some time, your senses are much more attuned to pick up that smell now. So you begin going throughout your house, cleaning out the refrigerator, freezer, throwing out all garbage, and no matter what you do you can’t seem to get rid of that odor. Once you notice it, you can’t really get rid of it from your senses. You’re always going to pick up on it.

It may not be food rotting in the fridge, in one of the cabinets, or even the dirty socks and shoes that are left by the door. It could be your carpets. This is especially true if you have pets, whether it’s cats, dogs, or anything else that roams around your home.

Pets can have accidents. They also have a tendency to rub themselves against the carpet to scratch an itch, when playing, and more. All of that can force some bad bacteria and other material deeper into your carpet pile.

Vacuuming alone is not enough to get that out. No matter what you’re smelling, what is causing the order, if it is in your carpeting or you cannot figure out where it’s coming from, call a professional carpet cleaning service. You will likely discover that the odor you noticed had been so strong will suddenly be gone.

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