Spring Cleaning: Ways to Help Your Home Stay Cleaner Longer

Spring Cleaning: Ways to Help Your Home Stay Cleaner LongerNow that spring has arrived, you’re probably like millions of other Toronto area homeowners and are beginning the process of spring cleaning. The major problem most people come across is trying to figure out how to maintain their home in this clean manner for as long as possible.

Below are a few tips that can help you and your family keep up with cleanliness on a regular basis.

Watch humidity levels.

Low humidity levels are the most significant cause of static electricity. Static attracts dusts and it also helps it stick to various items. Increasing humidity within your home can help reduce traction for dust and allergens.

Coat glass shower doors with a rain repellent product.

There are many rain repellent glass cleaning products, especially used for automobiles (windshields). Apply these rain repellent solutions to your glass shower doors and that will help reduce the amount of soap scum buildup that eventually coats the glass over time.

You can also keep a small squeegee handy to wipe them down after each use.

Protect furniture and carpeting.

Furniture sprays and carpet sealants provide valuable benefits to help protect against accidental spills. No matter how careful you and the rest of your family are about drinks, food, and other items being spilled onto the couch, the brand new family room carpeting, and other areas, they are bound to happen.

Another benefit to furniture sprays and carpet sealants is they can also protect and resist against mold, mildew, and bacteria.

Get in the habit of taking a few minutes for quick touchups.

Designating one room in the house every week to do a thorough dusting and cleaning can help reduce the workload throughout the year. A quick dusting is fine once a week, but once a month you should clean one room thoroughly from top to bottom.

Also make sure that anyone else in the house takes time to pick up after themselves, wipe down the coffee table or end table after they’ve used it, and vacuum a room once a day. This will help your home stay clean for a long time.

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