3 Great Tips to Help Protect Your Leather Furniture

Stain RemovalWhen you purchased your leather furniture, you probably understood it was going to require diligence to keep it in great shape. Over the years, though, it’s easy to begin neglecting various types of furniture, especially after a spill, stain, or something else that causes you to basically give up.

Don’t ever give up on your leather furniture. While you can certainly call an experienced cleaning service, there are some things you can do in between professional cleanings. Below are three tips that can help you keep your leather furniture looking as good as possible for as long as possible.

Tip #1: Be diligent about it.

This means you should be consistent about your effort to clean and maintain your leather furniture. You certainly need to make sure it is moisturized and avoid as much direct sunlight as possible. If furniture cannot avoid direct sunlight, you may want to consider additives to go on the glass of your windows that can cut down on the ultraviolet radiation penetrating into your home. It’s the sun’s UV rays that cause drying, cracking, and fading of various types of furniture, including leather furniture.

Tip #2: Clean spills immediately.

Spills are going to happen, especially if you have children in your house. When spills do occur, make sure they’re cleaned up as quickly as possible. Even if the leather furniture has seen better days, if you get spills cleaned up as quickly as possible, it makes it more likely that an experienced and professional cleaning service, such as a carpet cleaning company, may be able to help restore the look of that leather furniture.

Tip #3: Dust it consistently.

You might never have thought that you have to dust your leather furniture, but the more dust that collects on the furniture itself, the dirtier it’s going to appear over time.

Saddle soap is a great thing to consider for leather furniture to keep it clean.

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