3 Tips to Choosing the Right Vacuum Cleaner for Your Home

tips to help keep your house looking goodYour vacuum cleaner is one of the most important lines of defense you have against dirt buildup throughout your house. It’s also an important tool to help protect your floors and carpets. While even the most powerful residential vacuum cleaner isn’t enough to keep your carpets as clean as possible, between professional carpet cleaning services coming into your home every six months or one year, at a minimum, you should make sure the vacuum cleaner you have is doing the job right.

Here are three tips to help you select the right vacuum cleaner for your home and budget.

Tip #1: Invest in it.

Don’t look at it as an expense. Think of it as an investment. When you think of things as an expense, you have a tendency to try and save as much money as possible. When you think of something as an investment, you take more time and go through all of your options, even being willing to spend a little bit more because the dividends it pays in the end.

Tip #2: Focus on suction.

The suction power is incredibly important when it comes to a residential vacuum cleaner. However, don’t assume the most powerful cleaner on the market is going to be enough to get the dirt from deep down in the carpet fiber. You will still need a professional carpet cleaning service at least once a year to help with that.

Tip #3: Consider ease-of-use.

How easy is this vacuum cleaner going to be to use? If you have carpeted stairs, will you be able to carry this up and down and easily take care of those parts of the house?

If you end up with a heavy, bulky vacuum cleaner that’s difficult to maneuver, you’re not likely going to be using it as often as you should.

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